The Rama Green Arani Silk Saree looks gorgeous with a dual tone base and golden Zari works. Arani silk is one of the notable fabrics from the state of Tamil Nadu. It is woven from one of the finest silk threads and Zari. So, the saree has a light sheen of its own. This saree too, looks beautiful with a dual tone base of green checkered and golden zari floral works. The border looks eye-catching with brocade work and embroidery of Mauve and deep green. The stunning Pallu is outstanding with brocade work and embroidery of Mauve and deep green motif. It is ideal for traditional and festive occasions.
Note: The color may vary slightly due to light and photography. Blouse and jewelry are for reference.
Saree Color
Rama Green
Zari Color
Blouse Piece Provided
Saree & Blouse Size
5.5 X 1.10 Meters (saree), 0.75 X 1.10 Meters (Blouse)
Blouse Color
Product Weight
684 grams
Social and traditional events
Fabric Purity
Material & Care
Do not try to use any harsh detergents, bleaching, or trichloroethylene. You can dry clean with care and avoid wringing as it will harm the Zari work
Country of Origin